
Does your blog run on a schedule?
Not really! I love reviewing cookbooks, fiction, non-fiction, movies - I try to post about whatever I'm in the mood for.

Do you accept review copies and ARCs?
I'm very selective as I don't have a whole lot of time to read at the moment, but yes, I accept review copies and ARCs!

What is your review policy?
I will do my best to write a review for every book I receive. If I don't enjoy it, I will state why and try to come up with constructive criticism. All of my reviews will consist of my honest opinion.

What kind of books do you enjoy?
I love books that involve:
  • Dark Comedy
  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • Satire
  • Science Fiction
  • Elements of fantasy (e.g. time travel, strange creatures)
  • Post-apocalyptic settings
  • Themes of mental illness
  • Dystopia
  • Tugging on your heartstrings

How can I contact you?
Please visit my "Contact Me" page for information on how you can contact me.